Monday, 9 January 2012

Sherlock Holmes

For Christmas, my sister bought me 'The Complete Sherlock Holmes', published by Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics. I'm completely in love with these vintage-inspired designs, I think I've spent more time staring at the cover than reading the book (although I definitely plan to get through the whole collection at some point).

I also love the Jules Verne and 'Arabian Nights' collections.

It's fitting that my sister bought me this just as the new series of 'Sherlock' started running on the BBC. I'm swooning over the TV series as much as everyone else, but I don't think another version of 'Hound of the Baskervilles', will ever have as much impact on me as the 'Wishbone' version I saw as a kid. I remember it being dark, deeply atmospheric, and ultimately terrifying. I don't think I slept properly for at least a week afterwards. Obviously, 'Wishbone's versions have lost some of their grandeur and mystique now I've gotten older.